The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 25 of 42 (59%)
page 25 of 42 (59%)
some winding to And bade hem fast for to wynde
[leaf 185] Or ellys to lett be hys dede. 510 do, "Yes, dame," he seyd, "so haue I hele, I schal̴l̴ yt worke both feyre & welle As ye haue taute me." 513 He wauyd vp a strycke of lyne, and spins away And he span wele and fyne well. By-fore the swyngel̴l̴ tre. 516 The lord seyd "þou spynnest to grete, Therfor þou schalt haue no mete, That þou schalt wel̴l̴ see." 519 Thus they all sit Thus þey satt and wrought fast and work till the Tyl̴l̴ þe wekedayes were past; wright comes home. Then the wryght, home came he, 522 As he approaches And as he cam by hys hows syde he hears a noise, He herd[7] noyse that was nott ryde Of p_er_sons two or thre; 525 One of hem knockyd lyne, A-nothyr swyngelyd good and fyne By-fore the swyngyl̴l̴ tre, 528 The thyrde did rele and spynne, Mete and drynke ther-wyth to wynne, Gret nede ther-of hadde he. 531 Thus þe wryght stode herkenyng; THE WRIGHT his wife comes to Hys wyfe was ware of hys comyng, COMES HOME meet him, And ageynst hym went sche. AND FINDS 534 "Dame," he seyd, "what ys þis dynne? THE THREE and he asks what I here gret noyse here wythynne; CULPRITS. all that noise is Tel̴l̴ me, so god the spede." 537 about. "Syr," sche seyd, "workemen thre |