The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 26 of 42 (61%)
page 26 of 42 (61%)
"Why, three Be come to helpe you and me,
workmen have come Ther-of we haue gret nede; 540 to help us, dear. Fayne would I wete what they were." Who are they?" Butt when he sawe hys lord there, The wright sees Hys hert bygan to drede: 543 his Lord in the To see hys lord in þat place, pit, He þought yt was a strange cas, and asks how And seyd, "so god hym spede, 546 [leaf 185, back] What do ye here, my lord and knygħt? Tel̴l̴ me nowe for godes mygħt he came there. Howe cam thys vn-to?" 549 The knyght seyd "What ys best rede? The Lord asks M_er_cy I aske for my mysdede, mercy: he is very My hert ys wondyr wo." 552 sorry. "So ys myne, verame_n_t, "So am I," says To se you among thys flex and hempe, the wright, "to Ful̴l̴ sore yt ruytħ me; 555 see you among the To se you in such hevynes, flax and hemp," Ful̴l̴ sore myne hert yt doth oppresse, By god in trinite." 558 and orders his The wryght bade hys wyfe lett hy{m~} owte, wife to let the "Nay, þen sorowe come on my snowte Lord out. If they passe hens to-daye 561 "No, bother my Tyl̴l̴ that my lady come and see snout if I do," Howe þey would haue done w_y_t_h_ me, says the wife, Butt nowe late me saye." 564 "before his lady Anon sche sent aft_er_ the lady brygħt sees what he For to fett home her lord and knyght, wanted to do with Therto sche seyd nogħt; 567 me." Sche told her what they hadde ment, |