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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 26 of 42 (61%)
"Why, three Be come to helpe you and me,
workmen have come Ther-of we haue gret nede; 540
to help us, dear. Fayne would I wete what they were."
Who are they?" Butt when he sawe hys lord there,
The wright sees Hys hert bygan to drede: 543
his Lord in the To see hys lord in þat place,
pit, He þought yt was a strange cas,
and asks how And seyd, "so god hym spede, 546
[leaf 185, back] What do ye here, my lord and knygħt?
Tel̴l̴ me nowe for godes mygħt
he came there. Howe cam thys vn-to?" 549
The knyght seyd "What ys best rede?
The Lord asks M_er_cy I aske for my mysdede,
mercy: he is very My hert ys wondyr wo." 552
sorry. "So ys myne, verame_n_t,
"So am I," says To se you among thys flex and hempe,
the wright, "to Ful̴l̴ sore yt ruytħ me; 555
see you among the To se you in such hevynes,
flax and hemp," FulÌ´lÌ´ sore myne hert yt doth oppresse,
By god in trinite." 558
and orders his The wryght bade hys wyfe lett hy{m~} owte,
wife to let the "Nay, þen sorowe come on my snowte
Lord out. If they passe hens to-daye 561
"No, bother my TylÌ´lÌ´ that my lady come and see
snout if I do," Howe þey would haue done w_y_t_h_ me,
says the wife, Butt nowe late me saye." 564
"before his lady Anon sche sent aft_er_ the lady brygħt
sees what he For to fett home her lord and knyght,
wanted to do with Therto sche seyd nogħt; 567
me." Sche told her what they hadde ment,
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