The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 27 of 42 (64%)
page 27 of 42 (64%)
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So she sends for And of ther purpos & ther intente THE LORD'S WIFE
the dame to fetch That they would haue wrought. SEES HIM IN 570 her lord home, Glad was þat lady of that tydyng; THE CELLAR. and tells her what When sche wyst her lord was lyuyng, he and his Ther-of sche was ful̴l̴ fayne: 573 companions came Whan sche came vn-to þe steyre aboue{n)}, there for. Sche lokyd vn-to þe seller downe, The lady And seyd,--þis ys nott to leyne,-- 576 looks down into "Good syres, what doo you here?" the cellar, "Dame, we by owre mete ful̴l̴ dere, and says, "Good Wyth gret trauayle and peyne; 579 sirs, what are you I pray you helpe þat we were owte, doing?" And I wyl̴l̴ swere w_y_t_h_-owtyn dowte "Earning our meat Neu_er_ to come here agayne." 582 full dear: The lady spake the wyfe vn-tyll_e_, [leaf 186] And seyd "dame, yf yt be youre wylle, help us out, and What doo thes meyny here?" 585 I'll never come The carpentarys wyfe her answerd sykerly, here again." "Al̴l̴ they would haue leyne me by; The lady asks the Eu_er_ych, in ther maner_e_, 588 wife why Gold and syluer they me brought, the men are there And forsoke yt, and would yt noght, The wife says they The ryche gyftes so clere. 591 wanted to lie with Wyllyng þey were to do me schame, her, and offered I toke ther gyftes wyth-owtyn blame, her gold and _And_ ther they be al̴l̴ thre." 594 silver; The lady answerd her ano{n)}, she took their "I haue thynges to do att home gifts, and there Mo than two or thre; 597 they are. I wyst my lord neu_er_ do ryght noght |