The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 28 of 42 (66%)
page 28 of 42 (66%)
The lady says she Of no þing þat schuld be wrought,
really wants her Such as fallyth to me." 600 lord for herself, The lady lawghed and made good game and laughs Whan they came owte al̴l̴ in-same heartily when the From the swyngyl̴l̴ tre. 603 three culprits The knyght seyd "felowys in fere, come out. I am glad þat we be here, The Lord says, By godes dere pyte; THE 606 "Ah, you'd have Dame, and ye hadde bene wyth vs, WRIGHT'S worked too if Ye would haue wrought, by swete Ih_es_us, WIFE SETS you'd been with As welle as dyd we." THE 609 us, And when they cam vp aboue{n)} CULPRITS They turnyd abowte and lokyd downe, FREE. The lord seyd, "so god saue me, 612 I never had such a Yet hadde I neu_er_ such a fytte turn in my life As I haue hadde in þat lowe pytte; before, I can tell So mary so mutt me spede." 615 you." The knyght and thys lady bryght, Then the Lord and Howe they would home that nygħt, lady go home, For no thyng they would abyde; 618 And so they went home; as ADAM of COBSAM Thys seyd Adam of Cobsa{m~}.[8] [leaf 186, back] By the weye as they rode 621 says. Throwe a wode in ther playeng, On their way home For to here the fowlys syng they halt, They hovyd stylle and bode. 624 and the steward The stuard sware by godes ore, and proctor swear And so dyd the proctoure much more, they'll never go That neu_er_ in ther lyfe 627 back for five and Would they no more come in þ_a_t wonne |