The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 29 of 42 (69%)
page 29 of 42 (69%)
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forty years. Whan they were onys thens come,
Thys forty yere and fyve. 630 The lady gives all Of the tresure that they brought, their money to the The lady would geue hem ryght noght, wright's wife. Butt gaue yt to the wryghtes wyfe. 633 The garland is Thus the wryghtes garlond was feyre of hewe, fresh as ever. And hys wyfe bothe good and trewe: There-of was he ful̴l̴ blythe; 636 I take wytnes att gret and smal̴l̴, Thus true are all Thus trewe bene good women al̴l̴ good women now That nowe bene on lyve, 639 alive! So come thryste on ther hedys Whan they mombyl̴l̴ on ther bedys MAY ALL GOOD Ther pat_er_ n_oste_r ryue. WIVES GO 642 TO HEAVEN! Here then is Here ys wretyn a geste of the wryght written a tale of That hadde a garlond wel̴l̴ I-dyght, the Wright and his The coloure wyl̴l̴ neuer fade. 645 Garland. Now god, þat ys heuyn kyng, God grant us all Graunt vs al̴l̴ hys dere blessyng his blessing, Owre hertes for to glade; 648 and may all true And al̴l̴ tho that doo her husbondys rygħt, faithful wives Pray we to Ih_es_u ful̴l̴ of myght, That feyre mott hem byfalle, 651 come to heaven's And that they may come to heuen blys, bliss, For thy dere moderys loue ther-of nott to mys, All_e_ good wyues all_e_. 654 and be such Now all_e_ tho that thys tretys hath hard, Ih_es_u graunt hem, for her reward, true lovers as the As trew louers to be 657 |