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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 26 of 255 (10%)
report, widely circulated, that the colonel had fallen a victim to
the charms of Margaret Brewster, his daughters' guest? If so, it
might account for the young girl's manner - however devoted
McIntyre's daughters might be to Mrs. Brewster as a friend and
companion, they might resent having so young a woman for their

Not receiving any reply to his remarks, McIntyre was about to
address his daughter again when she spoke.

"Jimmie will be justified," she declared stoutly. "Has the coroner
held the autopsy yet, Dr. Stone?"

"Autopsy!" McIntyre spoke with sharp abruptness. "I thought it was
clearly established that Jimmie died from angina pectoris?"

"It is so believed," responded Stone. His mystification was growing;
had not Helen informed her father of the scene which had transpired
at the police court, and of her request to the coroner? "I
understand the post-mortem examination will be made this afternoon,

A heavy paper knife, nicely balanced between McIntyre's well
manicured fingers, dropped to the floor as a step sounded behind
him and the butler, Grimes, stopped by his side.

"Mr. Rochester just telephoned that his partner, Mr. Harry Kent, is
out of town, Miss" - bowing to the silent girl. Grimes always
contented himself with addressing his "young ladies" by the simple
prefix "Miss," and never added their given names, because, as he
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