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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 27 of 255 (10%)
expressed it, "them twins are alike as two peas, and which is which,
I dunno." Considering himself one of the family from his long
service with Colonel McIntyre, he kept a watchful eye on the twins,
but their pranks in childhood had often exasperated him into giving
notice, which he generally found it convenient to forget when the
first of a new month came around.

"Mr. Kent will be back to-morrow," added the butler, as silence
followed the delivery of his message. "Mr. Rochester wishes to know
if he can transact any business for you."

"Please thank him and say no." The girl's color rose as she caught
her father's disapproving look. The colonel waited until the butler
had disappeared before addressing her.

"Why did you send for Harry Kent?" he questioned. "You know I do
not approve of his attentions to Barbara. Rochester is well
enough -"

"Speaking of Rochester "- Mrs. Brewster saw the gathering storm
clouds in the girl's expressive eyes, and broke hastily into the
conversation. "I see by the paper, Cousin Amos" - she turned so
as to face Dr. Stone -" that Mr. Rochester declared positively
that Jimmie Turnbull died from angina pectoris."

"What's Philip's opinion worth?" The young girl smiled disdainfully.
"Philip seems to think that having shared an apartment with Jimmie,
gives him intimate knowledge of Jimmie's health. Philip is not a
medical man."

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