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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 28 of 255 (10%)
"No," acknowledged her father. "But here is a medical man who was
on the spot when Jimmie died. What's your opinion, Stone?"

Stone, suddenly conscious of the keen attention of his companions,
spoke slowly as was his wont when making a serious statement.

"Rochester's contention that Jimmie died from angina pectoris would
seem borne out by what transpired," he said. "Undoubtedly Jimmie
felt an attack coming on and used the customary remedy to relieve
it -"

"And what was that remedy?" questioned Mrs. Brewster swiftly.

"Amy1 nitrite." Stone spoke with decision. "I could detect its
presence by the fruity, pleasant odor which always accompanies the
drug's use."

"Ah!" The exclamation slipped from Mrs. Brewster. "Is the drug
administered in water?"

"No, it is inhaled - take care, you have dropped your handkerchief."
Stone pulled himself up short in his speech, and bent over but the
young girl was too quick for him, and stooped first to pick up her

As she raised her head Stone caught sight of the tiny mole under
the lobe of her left ear. It was the one mark which distinguished
Barbara from her twin sister. Colonel McIntyre had addressed his
daughter as Helen, and she had not undeceived him - Why? The
perplexed physician gave up the problem.
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