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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 29 of 255 (11%)

"The drug," he went on to explain, "amyl nitrite comes in pearl
capsules and is crushed in a handkerchief and the fumes inhaled."

Mrs. Brewster leaned forward suddenly. "Would that cause death?"
she asked.

Stone shook his head in denial. "Not the customary dose of three
minims," he answered, and turning, found that Barbara had stolen
from the room.



Bidding a hasty good morning to the elevator girl, Harry Kent,
suit-case in hand, entered the cage and was carried up to the
fourth floor of the Wilkins Building. Several business
acquaintances stopped to chat with him as he walked down the
corridor to his office, and it was fully fifteen minutes before he
turned the knob of the door bearing the firm name - ROCHESTER AND
KENT, ATTORNEYS - on its glass panel. As he stepped inside the
anteroom which separated the two offices occupied respectively by
him and his senior partner, Philip Rochester, a stranger rose from
the clerk's desk.

"Yes, sir?" he asked interrogatively.

Kent eyed him in surprise. "Mr. Rochester here? " he inquired.
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