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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 6 of 255 (02%)

"Is the prisoner represented by counsel?" he asked.

For reply the burglar shook his head. Rising slowly to his feet,
Philip Rochester advanced to the man's side.

"If it please the court," he began, "I will take the case for the

His offer received a quick acceptance from the Bench, but the scowl
with which the burglar favored him was not pleasant. Hitching at
his frayed flannel collar, the man partly turned his back on the
lawyer and listened with a heavy frown to Helen's quick answers to
the questions put to her.

"While waiting for my sister to return from a dance early this
morning," she stated, "I went downstairs into the library, and as
I entered it I saw a man slip across the room and into a coat
closet. I retained enough presence of mind to steal across to the
closet and turn the key in the door; then I ran to the window and
fortunately saw Officer O'Ryan standing under the arc light across
the street. I called him and he arrested the prisoner."

Her simple statement evoked a nod of approval from the Assistant
District Attorney, and Rochester frowned as he waived his right to
cross-examine her. The next witness was Officer O'Ryan, and his
testimony confirmed Helen's.

"The prisoner was standing back among the coats in the closet," he
said. "My automatic against his ribs brought him out."
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