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The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
page 7 of 255 (02%)

"Did you search your prisoner?" asked Rochester, as he took the

"Yes, sir.

"Find any concealed weapons?"

"No, sir."

"A burglar's kit?"

"No, sir."

"Did the prisoner make a statement after his arrest?"

"No, sir; he came along peaceably enough, hardly a word out of
him," acknowledged O'Ryan regretfully. He enjoyed a reputation on
the force as a "scrapper," and a willing prisoner was a
disappointment to his naturally pugnacious disposition.

"Did you search the house?"

"Sure, and haven't I been telling you I did?" answered O'Ryan; his
pride in his achievement in arresting a burglar in so fashionable
a neighborhood as Sheridan Circle was giving place to resentment at
Rochester's manner of addressing him. At a sign from the lawyer,
he left the witness stand, and Rochester addressed the Judge.

"I ask the indulgence of the court for more time," he commenced,
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