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The New York Subway - Its Construction and Equipment by Anonymous
page 4 of 199 (02%)
Andrew Freedman
James Jourdan
Gardiner M. Lane
John B. McDonald
Walter G. Oakman
John Peirce
Morton F. Plant
William A. Read
Alfred Skitt
Cornelius Vanderbilt
George W. Young

_Executive Committee_

August Belmont
Andrew Freedman
James Jourdan
Walter G. Oakman
William A. Read
Cornelius Vanderbilt


August Belmont, President
E. P. Bryan, Vice-president
H. M. Fisher, Secretary
D. W. McWilliams, Treasurer
E. F. J. Gaynor, Auditor
Frank Hedley, General Superintendent
S. L. F. Deyo, Chief Engineer
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