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The New York Subway - Its Construction and Equipment by Anonymous
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George W. Wickersham, General Counsel
Chas. A. Gardiner, General Attorney
DeLancey Nicoll, Associate Counsel
Alfred A. Gardner, Associate Counsel

_Engineering Staff_

S. L. F. Deyo, Chief Engineer.

_Electrical Equipment_

L. B. Stillwell, Electrical Director.
H. N. Latey, Principal Assistant.
Frederick R. Slater, Assistant Engineer in charge of Third Rail
Albert F. Parks, Assistant Engineer in charge of Lighting.
George G. Raymond, Assistant Engineer in charge of Conduits and Cables.
William B. Flynn, Assistant Engineer in charge of Draughting Room.

_Mechanical and Architectural_

J. Van Vleck, Mechanical and Construction Engineer.
William C. Phelps, Assistant Construction Engineer.
William N. Stevens, Ass't Mechanical Engineer.
Paul C. Hunter, Architectural Assistant.
Geo. E. Thomas, Supervising Engineer in Field.

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