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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 29 of 79 (36%)
Connecticut 1887 In Spring, at appointment of Governor.
Florida 1886 January 8.
Georgia 1887 First Friday in December.
Idaho 1887 Last Monday in April.
Illinois 1888 Date fixed by Governor and Supt. of Public
Indiana 1884 " " Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Iowa 1887 " " " "
Kansas 1875 Option of Governor, usually in April.
Kentucky 1886 " "
Louisiana 1888-9 " Parish Boards.
Maine 1887 " Governor.
Maryland 1889 " " in April.
Massachusetts 1886 Last Saturday in April.
Michigan 1885 Option of Governor.
Minnesota 1876 " "
Mississippi 1892 " Board of Education.
Missouri 1886 First Friday after first Tuesday of April.
Montana 1887 Third Tuesday of April.
Nebraska 1872 22nd of April.
Nevada 1887 Option of Governor.
New Hampshire 1886 " "
New Jersey 1884 " " in April.
New Mexico 1890 Second Friday in March.
New York 1889 First Friday after May 1.
North Carolina 1893
North Dakota 1884 Sixth of May, by proclamation of Governor.
Ohio 1882 In April " "
Oregon 1882 Second Friday in April.
Pennsylvania 1887 Option of Governor.
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