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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 30 of 79 (37%)
Rhode Island 1887 " "
South Carolina Uncertain Variable.
South Dakota 1884 Option of Governor.
Tennessee 1875 November, at designation of County
Texas 1800 22nd of February.
Vermont 1885 Option of Governor.
Virginia 1892
West Virginia 1883 Fall and Spring, at designation of Supt.
of Schools.
Wisconsin 1889 Option of Governor.
Wyoming 1888 " "
Washington 1892

Only the following five states or territories fail to observe Arbor
Day--Arkansas, Delaware, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, and Utah.


The Governors of our States and the Superintendents of our schools
have generally entered heartily into the observance of Arbor Day and
spoken earnest words of encouragement in its behalf. The following are
specimens of what they have said.

=New Hampshire.=--Governor Currier, in his Arbor Day Proclamation: "I
especially desire that our children may be taught to observe and
reverence the divine energies which are unfolding themselves in every
leaf and flower that sheds a perfume in spring or ripens into a robe
of beauty in autumn, so that the aspirations of childhood, led by
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