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Arbor Day Leaves - A Complete Programme For Arbor Day Observance, Including - Readings, Recitations, Music, and General Information by Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
page 31 of 79 (39%)
beautiful surroundings, may form higher and broader conceptions of
life and humanity; for the teachings of nature lead up from the
material and finite to the infinite and eternal."

=Illinois.=--Governor Fifer: "Let the children in our schools, the
young men and women in our colleges, seminaries, and universities,
with their instructors, co-operate in the proper observance of the day
by planting shrubs, vines, and trees that will beautify the home,
adorn the public grounds, add wealth to the State, and thereby
increase the comfort and happiness of our people."

=Missouri.=--From the Superintendent of Public Schools, in his annual
report: "Let this love for planting trees, shrubs, vines, and flowers
be encouraged and stimulated in the school-room and not only will the
school-yards profit thereby, but the now barren farm-yards and
pastures will remain the recipients of your instruction."

=California.=--From Superintendent of Public Instruction: "Our schools
cannot protect the forests, but they can raise up a generation which
will not leave their hillsides and mountains treeless; a generation
which will frown upon and rebuke the wanton destruction of our forest
trees. There is no spot on earth that may not be made more beautiful
by the help of trees and flowers."

=Nebraska.=--From the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: "On
this day, above all others, the pupils of our public schools should be
educated to care for the material prosperity of the country and to
foster the growth of trees. Let the child understand that he is
especially interested in the tree he plants: that it is his; that upon
him devolves the responsibility of protecting and cultivating it in
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