The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 3 of 62 (04%)
page 3 of 62 (04%)
[73] MONSONIA SPECIOSA. LARGE-FLOWER'D MONSONIA. _Class and Order._ POLYADELPHIA DODECANDRIA. _Generic Character._ _Cal._ 5-phyllus. _Cor._ 5-petala. _Stam._ 15. connata in 5 filamenta. _Stylus_ 5-fidus. _Caps._ 5-cocca. _Specific Character and Synonyms._ MONSONIA _speciosa_ foliis quinatis: foliolis bipinnatis, _Lin. Syst. Vegetab. p. 697._ MONSONIA grandiflora. _Burm. prodr. 23._ [Illustration: No 73] The genus of which this charming plant is the most distinguished species, has been named in honour of _Lady Anne Monson_. The whole family are natives of the Cape, and in their habit and fructification bear great affinity to the Geranium. The present species was introduced into this country in 1774, by Mr. MASSON. |