The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 4 of 62 (06%)
page 4 of 62 (06%)
We received this elegant plant just as it was coming into flower, from Mr. COLVILL, Nurseryman, King's-Road, Chelsea, who was so obliging as to inform me that he had succeeded best in propagating it by planting cuttings of the root in pots of mould, and plunging them in a tan-pit, watering them as occasion may require; in due time buds appear on the tops of the cuttings left out of the ground. It rarely or never ripens its seed with us. Should be treated as a hardy greenhouse plant; may be sheltered even under a frame, in the winter. [74] ANTIRRHINUM TRISTE. MELANCHOLY OR BLACK-FLOWER'D TOAD-FLAX. _Class and Order._ DIDYNAMIA ANGIOPSPERMIA. _Generic Character._ _Cal._ 5-phyllus. _Cor._ basis deorsum prominens, nectarifera. _Caps._ 2. locularis. |