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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Camden, Right Hon. the Marquis of _2 Copies_
Calthorpe, Right Hon. Lady _2 Copies_
Crawford, Earl
Curzon, Right Hon. Viscount _2 Copies_
Curzon, Hon. Marianne _2 Copies_
Curzon, Hon. R.W. Penn _4 Copies_
Clifton, Lord
Courtown, Lord _2 Copies_
Cambridge, Mr. Archdeacon
Carlisle, Dean of _2 Copies_
Chambre, Honourable Mr. Justice
Canning, Right Hon. George
Carwardine, Rev. Thomas, Colne Priory
Cuyler, General, St. John Lodge
Cathcart, Captain, R.N.
Cooke, Dr., Gower Street
Cockburn, Thos., Esq., Hampstead Grove
Cartwright, Richard, Esq.
Caley, C. Esq., Thirsk
Coope, Joseph, Esq., Laytonstone
Coope, Miss S., Laytonstone
Coope, John, Esq., Leyspring
Coope, Mr. J., Leyspring
Coates, C., Esq., Rippon _3 Copies_
Coates, Mrs., Rippon
Cooper, Mr., Eton
Crawford, General
Creswell, Rev. F.B.D., Waldingfield
Carter, Rev. Mr., Eton _2 Copies_
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