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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 9 of 187 (04%)
Bowser, Mrs., Datchet
Byam, Mr., Rev.
Burt, Mrs., Isleworth
Burton, Miss, Cambridge _2 Copies_
Burges, George, Esq., Eton
Beverley, ----, Esq., Eton
Bold, ----, Esq., Eton
Brandling, ----, Esq., Eton
Burchell, ----, Esq., Eton
Brown, W., Esq., Sutton, Yorkshire
Baillie, George, Esq.
Barwiss, John, Esq.
Bowen, Miss
Burton, J. Esq.
Boyd, W. Esq.
Bowen, T.B. Esq.
Barrow, Thomas, Esq.
Broderirk, William, Mr., Eton
Broderick, Mr., Eton
Brown, Mr., Eton
Bligh, Mr., Eton
Ballard, William, Esq.
Berthomier, Mr., Eton
Barnard, Mr., Eton
Buckwood, Mr.
Burmester, Mr., Eton
Brown, Nicholas, Esq., Liverpool _4 Copies_
Brown, Mrs., Liverpool
Brown, Miss, Liverpool
Boyes, Miss Matilda, Old Manor House
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