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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 8 of 187 (04%)
Baillie, Mrs., Lower Grosvenor Street
Brown, G.P. Esq.
Burlton, Miss, Ludlow
Barton, Henry, Esq. Mount St. John
Barnard, Mr., Eton
Berdmore, Rev. Dr. _2 Copies_
Bridges, Rev. Dr.
Bailey, Hon. Mr. Justice _2 Copies_
Best, Mr. Serjeant _2 Copies_
Best, Mrs.
Best, J.W. Esq.
Bolland, William, Esq.
Beard, Henry, Esq.
Bayley, Dr., Physician to His Majesty _2 Copies_
Bayley, Dr., M.D., Northallerton
Balme, Rev. E., Russell Place _2 Copies_
Bell, John, Esq., Thirsk
Bradfield, John, Esq.
Burges, Esq., Wimpole
Brougham, Henry, Esq.
Brooks, Geo., Esq., Twickenham _4 Copies_
Brooks, John, Esq., Twickenham
Briscoe, John, Esq., Twickenham
Burges, ----, Esq., Wimpole
Billam, F.T. Esq., Leeds _2 Copies_
Butterwick, Matthew, Esq., Thirsk
Bissett, Captain, R.N.
Bradney, Joseph, Esq., Ham
Buxton, Fowell, Esq.
Blakelock, Henry, Esq.
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