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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Coates, Mrs., Baker Street
Cunyngham, W.A. Esq., Temple
Campbell, J. Esq.
Carter, Mr., Eton _2 Copies_
Cass, Mr., Gerrard Street
Cooper, Mr., Gerrard Street
Charlton, Mr., Durant's Wharf
Clarke, Samuel, Esq.
Cartwright, Richard, Esq.
Cogan, Mr., Fleet Street

Derby, Earl of _2 Copies_
Derby, Countess of _2 Copies_
Darnley, Earl of
Darnley, Countess of
Damer, Hon. Mrs. S.
Dixon, Robert, Esq. _2 Copies_
Douglass, Hon. F., M.P.
Douglas, Andrew Snape, Esq., Bolton Street
Deare, Philip, Esq. _2 Copies_
Deare, Rev. James _2 Copies_
Deare, Miss Mariane _2 Copies_
Deare, Mr. Charles _2 Copies_
Duff, Captain Archibald, R.N.
Duff, John, Esq.
Drury, Rev. Mr., Eton _10 Copies_
Davys, Rev. George, Eton
Dacres, Captain, R.N.
Dundas, David, Esq., Richmond
Devaynes, Mrs., Holles Street
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