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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 13 of 187 (06%)
Disney, John, Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields
Dixon, Mrs., Bow Cottage
Dixon, Miss, Enfield
Dixon, Mr. B., Bow
Dighton, F., Esq., Horse Guards
Davis, Wm., Esq., Rupert Street _10 Copies_
Dimsdale, William, Esq., Cornhill _2 Copies_
Dimsdale, John, Esq., Cornhill _2 Copies_
Dixon, H., Esq., Eton
Donald, James, Esq. _2 Copies_
Denby, Mrs., Liverpool
Drury, Mrs., Old Manor House
Denton, Mr., Eton
Dean, Thomas, Esq., Twickenham
Digby, Mrs., Curzon Street
Davis, Scrope, Esq.
Ducane, P. Esq., Bracksted Lodge, Essex
Delafosse, Rev. Mr., Richmond
Duntze, Mr., Eton _3 Copies_
Denison, Mr. J.E., Eton
Denison, Mr. Edward, Eton

Eardley, Right Hon. Lord
Evylyn, Right Hon. Lord
Elphinston, Hon. William Fullerton
Edwards, Hon. Mr.
Edmonston, Sir Charles, Bart.
Essington, Admiral, Nottingham Place
Essington, Mrs., Nottingham Place
Eliot, F. Percival, Esq., Burlington Street
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