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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 18 of 187 (09%)
Heath, John, Esq. _2 Copies_
Hope, W., Esq.
Hall, R., Esq., Portland Place
Hodgson, Thomas, Esq., Wanstead
Hodgson, Mrs., Wanstead
Hodgson, Miss, Wanstead
Hodgson, Miss M., Wanstead
Hamilton, Rev. Dr.
Hauchecomb, Mrs. Amelia, Isleworth
Hall, Mrs.
Hills, Esq., Robert, jun., Colne Priory
Higgins, Mr., Eton
Hope, E., Esq., Trinity College

Johnes, Rev. Samuel, Welwyn
Jekyll, Joseph, Esq. K.C.
Irving, Rev. Mr., Eton
Jones, Charles, Esq., Guildford Street
James, Major
Julius, J., Esq., Richmond
Illingsby, J. Esq., Cambridge
Jervis, T. Esq., K.C.
James, ----, Esq., Eton _2 Copies_
Jansen, Halsey, Esq.
Johnson, Mr., Eton
Jenkyns, Mr., Eton
Irving, Rev. Mr., Eton
Jennings, Mr., Eton
Jenyns, Mr. Minor, Eton

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