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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Kirkwall, Right Hon. Viscountess
Keith, Admiral, Right Hon. Lord
Keith, Right Hon. Lady
Kildare, Rt. Hon. & Right Rev. Bishop of
Keate, Rev. Dr., Head Master of Eton College _10 Copies_
Kemp, J. Esq., M.P. _2 Copies_
Knapp, J.W., Esq.
Knapp, Rev. Mr., Eton _2 Copies_
Knapp, Miss, Eton
Knapp, Mr. H.T., Eton
Knox, Vicissimus, Esq.
Knight, Francis, Esq., Saville Street
Knight, Charles, Esq., Eltham
Knight, Mrs., Eltham
King, Rev. J., A.M.
Kimpton, Francis, Esq., War-Office
King, Charles, Esq.
King, Mrs., Highbury
Kidd, R., Esq., Kew
Kekewich, T., Esq., Eton _2 Copies_
Kekewich, Mr., Eton
Kekewich, Mrs., Eton
Kekewich, Miss, Eton
Leeds, His Grace the Duke of
Leeds, Her Grace the Duchess of
Langham, Sir James, Bart. _5 Copies_
Lennard, Sir Thomas Barrett, Bart.
Lennard, Lady Barrett
Lisle, Hon. Mrs., Kingston
Lamb, Hon. G.
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