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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 20 of 187 (10%)
Ledwick, Rev. Edward, L.L.D.
Lindsay, Hon. Mrs.
Lindsay, G. Esq.
Lindsay, H., Esq. Horseguards
Lens, Mr. Serjeant
Lawes, Vitruvias, Esq., Temple
Lawes, Edward, Esq., Temple
Leycester, H., Esq.
Lettsom, Mr., Eton _2 Copies_
Long, Thomas, Esq.
Lowndes, W., Esq., M.P.
Lowndes, Captain, Chesham
Luxmoore, Mrs., Hereford
Lonsdale, H., Esq., Lincoln's Inn
Lawson, Mrs., Nottingham _4 Copies_
Lawson, S., Esq., Nottingham
Latham, J., Esq., M.D.
Lefont, jun., Esq.
Lefevre, S., Mr.
Langford, Miss, Eton
Langdale, Mr., Northallerton
Leigh, Mr., Eton
Lunn, Mr. S., Thames Street

Morton, Earl of
Molyneux, Lord Viscount
Montagu, Lord _2 Copies_
Mansfield, Right Hon. Sir James _2 Copies_
Mercer, Hon. Miss Elphinstone
Mathias, Rev. D., A.M.
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