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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Mantell, Mrs., Dover
Montague, Basil, Esq., Lincoln's Inn _2 Copies_

Newcastle, Her Grace the Duchess of
North, Rev. Mr., Chancellor of Winton _2 Copies_
Nowell, Captain, R.N., near Oxford
Nixon, Captain Brinsley, 37th Regt.
Newnham, G.L., Esq., Guildford Street
Nugent, Mrs., Upper Brook Street
Nicoll, Mrs., Neasdon House
Nicoll, Joseph, Esq., Tower
Norman, Miss, Liverpool
Natissa, David _3 Copies_

Ossory, Right Hon. Earl of Upper _2 Copies_
Onslow, Mr. Serjeant
Onslow, Rev. Arthur Merrow, Guildford
Oxenden, Mr., Eton _2 Copies_
Okes, Mr., Eton

Paulet, Lady Mary
Pusey, Lady Lucy
Pusey, Hon. Philip
Pryse, Pryse, Esq.
Pryse, Hon. Mrs.
Price, Rev. Dr., Prebend of Durham
Phipps, J. Wathen, Esq. _2 Copies_
Parr, Rev. Dr., Hatton _6 Copies_
Polehampton, Rev. J., Cambridge
Preston, Sir Robt., Bart., Downing Street
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