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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 23 of 187 (12%)
Preston, Captain, R.N., Downing Street
Park, J.A. Esq., K.C.
Peart, Rev. Wm., Thirsk
Pauncefort, Mrs.
Protheroe, Edward, Esq., M.P., Harley Street
Perring, Mr., Eton
Prescot, Rev. E.K., A.M.
Penn, Mrs., Richmond
Pellew, G. Esq., C.C. College
Price, Mr., Eton
Puller, C., Esq.
Pollock, Frederick, Esq.
Pyppis, Mr., Eton
Pocock, H., Esq. _2 Copies_
Porter, Mr., Eton
Polhill, Mr., Eton
Pusey, Mr., Eton
Price, Mr., Trinity College
Palk, Mr., Eton
Pennington, Mr., Eton
Paterson, J. Esq.
Popple, John, Esq.
Prince, Mr.
Prince, Mrs.
Palmer, Major, Mr., Eton

Rothes, Earl of _2 Copies_
Rothes, Countess of _2 Copies_
Redesdale, Right Hon. Lord _2 Copies_
Rose, Right Hon. George _5 Copies_
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