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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 26 of 187 (13%)
Smith, R.P., Esq., M.P., Sackville Street _2 Copies_
Smith, John, Esq., Somerset Place _2 Copies_
Smith, Edward Grose, Esq., Wanstead _2 Copies_
Smith, J., Esq., Wanstead
Smith, Mrs., Wanstead
Smith, Henley, Esq., Wanstead
Smith, Thomas, Esq., Birmingham
Smith, Mr. Baldwin, Birmingham
Slater, Thomas, Esq.
Smith, Mr. Nathan, Strand
Smith, Mrs., Strand
Staunton, Mrs., Staunton Hall, near Grantham, Lincolnshire
Staunton, Mr., Eton _2 Copies_
Stone, Dr., Physician to the Charter House
Stone, Mr., Eton
Sissons, ----, Esq. Brentford
Stanley, Mr. J., Eton _2 Copies_
Shevey, Mrs., Eton
Simson, Mrs., Eton
Sullivan, Lawrence, Esq.
Sullivan, Mr., Eton
Spicer, John, Esq., Esher
Spicer, John, jun., Esher
Spicer, Mrs., Esher
Spicer, Miss, Esher
Scott, Walter, Esq. _2 Copies_
Stevenson, T., Esq., Euston Square
Simpson, Mr., Eton
Simpson, Mr., jun., Eton
Strode, Mrs., Kensington Palace
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