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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 27 of 187 (14%)
Saunders, George, Esq.
Skinner, Mrs., Islington
Shephard, C.M.S., Esq., Gray's Inn Square
Sidebottom, E.V., Esq., Temple _2 Copies_
Shepherd, H.J., Esq.
Scarlett, James, Esq., Guildford Street
Spankie, R., Esq., Mitre Court Buildings
Sedgwick, J., Esq.
Staveley, James, Esq., Mitre Court, Temple
Skirrow, J., Esq., Gower Street
Sudell, Mr., Eton
Sudell, Mr. H., Eton
Sutton, ----, Esq. _2 Copies_
Spencer, Mr., Eton _3 Copies_
Stuart, John, Esq.
Slingsby, J., Esq., Cambridge
Scarlett, R.C., Esq., Cambridge
Stanton, Humphrey, Esq., Manchester
Scott, Mr. Robert, Cheapside
Steele, Mr., Chingford
Sayer, Miss, Manchester
Sayer, Miss O., Manchester
Strangways, John, Esq., Distaff Lane

Tavistock, the Marquis of _2 Copies_
Tew, Rev. Mr., Vice Provost of Eton
Topping, James, Esq., K.C.
Turner, Rev. J., Eton
Townsend, George, Esq., Twickenham
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