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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
page 70 of 187 (37%)
And cloudless light the short-lived summer cheer'd.
Here, fell marauders wasting far and near
Spread their wild ravage o'er the yellow year:
There, towers and walls and lofty works extend;
Victorious legions the scaled walls ascend.
Last stretch'd along a valley's shadowy length,
Appear'd two realms' consolidated strength.
Wide fly the glowing balls, swift falchions glare,
And whizzing arrows hide the clouded air.
The sculptured kings pursue their trembling foes,
And, where they move, the imaged tumult grows.
Another scene--the toil of war is past;
This seems to triumph, that to groan his last:
Blood covers all, refulgent trophies rise,
And shouts of conquest seem to rend the skies.

In silent reverence stood each wondering Swede,
Unmoved by terror: thrice the youth decreed
To speak, and thrice upon his fetter'd tongue,
Restrain'd by awe, th' imperfect accents hung,
When the dread form the boundless stillness broke;
Ocean and air stood listening as he spoke.

"The power who reins the whirlwind's stormy force,
And guides the wheeling planets in their course,
Provoked by crimes, o'er Sweden's guilty land
Stretch'd wide the terrors of his flaming hand:
Her venal priests, her kings in luxury lost,
Her factious nobles, and seditious host,
Call'd down th' unwilling bolt; and many a year
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