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Gustavus Vasa - and other poems by William Sidney Walker
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Beheld it blaze, and shrunk beneath its flames severe.
His angry thunder on a blasted shore }
Has wreak'd its vengeance; the collected store }
Of wrath is spent, and the last peal is o'er. }
Now o'er the land, rich with a new-born spring,
Returning Mercy waves her golden wing:
Obedient fate draws back its sable line, }
And bright events in long succession shine: }
Consenting years roll on, and crown the great design. }
Unnumber'd arts, more glorious from decay,
Rise one by one, and gild the land with day.
No more shall Sweden mourn her fetter'd doom,
The sport of despots, and the slave of Rome:
Slanderers of Heaven, betrayers of mankind
By passion bloated, and to reason blind,
Her prelates shall oppress the land no more;
But Liberty, with charms unknown before,
Break forth effulgent; and protecting Peace,
For a long age, bid battle's trumpet cease.
Her guardian genius, from th' empyreal plain }
I come, to bid primeval blessings reign, }
And exiled Science lift her sacred lamp again. }

"Thou, Harfagar, allied to earth no more,
Pursue my flight, and seek our friendly shore.
Thy term of care is past: thy clouded day
Dissolves at length in heaven's eternal ray.
Th' almighty Parent calls thee, from on high,
To fill the seats of immortality.
His eyes the labours of mankind regard,
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