Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXX, Dec. 1910 - Tests of Creosoted Timber, Paper No. 1168 by W. B. (William Benjamin) Gregory
page 10 of 29 (34%)
page 10 of 29 (34%)
Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, by W. Kendrick Hatt,
Assoc. M. Am. Soc. C. E., are quoted. The tests made by the writer were from timber raised in Louisiana and Mississippi, while the tests quoted were from timber raised farther north. The number of tests was not sufficient to settle questions of average strength or other qualities. It will be seen, however, that the treated timber 26 years old compares favorably with the new untreated timber. [Illustration: PLATE I, FIG. 1.----SPECIMEN IN TESTING MACHINE, SHOWING METHOD OF SUPPORT.] [Illustration: PLATE I, FIG. 2.--END VIEWS OF TESTED TIMBERS.] TABLE 2.--BENDING STRENGTH OF LARGE STICKS. Columns in table: A: Reference number. B: Number of tests. C: Moisture, per cent. D: Rings per inch. E: Specific gravity, dry. F: WEIGHT PER CUBIC FOOT, IN POUNDS. G: As tested. H: Oven dry. I: Fiber stress at elastic limit, in pounds per square inch. J: Modulus of rupture, in pounds per square inch. K: Modulus of elasticity, in thousands of pounds per square inch. L: Elastic resilience, in inch pounds per cubic inch. |