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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
page 55 of 388 (14%)

"A rather melancholy story," observed the emigrant, after a minute's

"Yes, yes. Well, we must take ups and downs together," said the
seedman's father.




Ravenna being a very ancient city in Romagna, there dwelt sometime a
great number of worthy gentlemen, among whom I am to speak of one more
especially, named Anastasio, descended from the family of Onesti, who by
the death of his father, and an uncle of his, was left extraordinarily
abounding in riches and growing to years fitting for marriage. As young
gallants are easily apt enough to do, he became enamoured of a very
beautiful gentlewoman, who was daughter of Messer Paolo Traversario, one
of the most ancient and noble families in all the country. Nor made he
any doubt, by his means and industrious endeavour, to derive affection
from her again, for he carried himself like a braveminded gentleman,
liberal in his expenses, honest and affable in all his actions, which
commonly are the true notes of a good nature, and highly to be commended
in any man. But, howsoever, fortune became his enemy; these laudable
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