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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
page 56 of 388 (14%)
parts of manhood did not any way friend him, but rather appeared hurtful
to himself, so cruel, unkind, and almost merely savage did she show
herself to him, perhaps in pride of her singular beauty or presuming on
her nobility by birth, both which are rather blemishes than ornaments in
a woman when they be especially abused. The harsh and uncivil usage in
her grew very distasteful to Anastasio, and so insufferable that after a
long time of fruitless service, requited still with nothing but coy
disdain, desperate resolutions entered into his brain, and often he was
minded to kill himself. But better thoughts supplanting those furious
passions, he abstained from such a violent act, and governed by mere
manly consideration, determined that as she hated him, he would requite
her with the like, if he could, wherein he became altogether deceived,
because as his hopes grew to a daily decaying, yet his love enlarged
itself more and more.

Thus Anastasio persevering still in his bootless affection, and his
expenses not limited within any compass, it appeared in the judgment of
his kindred and friends that he was fallen into a mighty consumption,
both of his body and means. In which respects many times they advised
him to leave the city of Ravenna, and live in some other place for such
a while as might set a more moderate stint upon his spendings, and
bridle the indiscreet course of his love, the only fuel which fed his
furious fire.

Anastasio held out thus a long time, without lending an ear to such
friendly counsel; but in the end he was so closely followed by them, as
being no longer able to deny them, he promised to accomplish their
request. Whereupon making such extraordinary preparation as if he were
to set out thence for France or Spain, or else into some further
country, he mounted on horseback, and accompanied with some few of his
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