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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
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brambles, so that the blood ran trickling down mainly, she weeping,
wringing her hands, and crying out for mercy so loud as she could. Two
fierce bloodhounds also followed swiftly after, and where their teeth
took hold did most cruelly bite her. Last of all, mounted on a lusty
black courser, came galloping a knight, with a very stern and angry
countenance, holding a drawn short sword in his hand, giving her very
dreadful speeches, and threatening every minute to kill her.

This strange and uncouth sight bred in him no mean admiration, as also
kind compassion to the unfortunate woman, out of which compassion sprung
an earnest desire to deliver her, if he could, from a death so full of
anguish and horror; but seeing himself to be without arms, he ran and
plucked up the plant of a tree, which handling as if it had been a
staff, he opposed himself against the dogs and the knight, who seeing
him coming, cried out in this manner to him: "Anastasio, put not thyself
in any opposition, but refer to my hounds and me to punish this wicked
woman as she hath justly deserved." And in speaking these words, the
hounds took fast hold on her body, so staying her until the knight was
come nearer to her, and alighted from his horse, when Anastasio, after
some other angry speeches, spake thus to him: "I cannot tell what or who
thou art, albeit thou takest such knowledge of me, yet I must say it is
mere cowardice in a knight, being armed as thou art, to offer to kill a
naked woman, and make thy dogs thus to seize on her, as if she were a
savage beast; therefore, believe me, I will defend her so far as I am

"Anastasio," answered the knight, "I am of the same city as thou art,
and do well remember that thou wast a little lad when I, who was then
named Guido Anastasio, and thine uncle, became as entirely in love with
this woman as now thou art with Paolo Traversario's daughter. But
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