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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
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through her coy disdain and cruelty, such was my heavy fate that
desperately I slew myself with this short sword which thou beholdest in
mine hand; for which rash sinful deed I was and am condemned to eternal
punishment. This wicked woman, rejoicing immeasurably in mine unhappy
death, remained no long time alive after me, and for her merciless sin
of cruelty, and taking pleasure in my oppressing torments, dying
unrepentant, and in pride of her scorn, she had the like sentence of
condemnation pronounced on her, and was sent to the same place where I
was condemned.

"There the three impartial judges imposed this further infliction on us
both--namely, that she should fly in this manner before me, and I, who
loved her so dearly while I lived, must pursue her as my deadly enemy,
not like a woman that had a taste of love in her. And so often as I can
overtake her, I am to kill her with this sword, the same weapon
wherewith I slew myself. Then am I enjoined therewith to open her
accursed body, and tear out her heart, with her other inwards, as now
thou seest me do, which I give to my hounds to feed on. Afterward--such
is the appointment of the supreme powers--that she re-assumeth life
again, even as if she had not been dead at all, and falling to the same
kind of flight, I with my hounds am still to follow her, without any
respite or intermission. Every Friday, and just at this hour, our course
is this way, where she suffereth the just punishment inflicted on her.
Nor do we rest any of the other days, but are appointed unto other
places, where she cruelly executed her malice against me, who am now, of
her dear affectionate friend, ordained to be her endless enemy, and to
pursue her in this manner for so many years as she exercised months of
cruelty towards me. Hinder me not, then, in being the executioner of
Divine justice, for all thy interposition is but in vain in seeking to
cross the appointment of supreme powers."
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