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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
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Anastasio having heard all this discourse, his hair stood upright, like
porcupines' quills, and his soul was so shaken with the terror, that he
stepped back to suffer the knight to do what he was enjoined, looking
yet with mild commiseration on the poor woman, who kneeling most humbly
before the knight, and sternly seized on by the two bloodhounds, he
opened her breast with his weapon, drawing forth her heart and bowels,
which instantly he threw to the dogs, and they devoured them very
greedily. Soon after the damsel, as if none of this punishment had been
inflicted on her, started up suddenly, running amain towards the
seashore, and the hounds swiftly following her, as the knight did the
like, after he had taken his sword and was mounted on horseback, so that
Anastasio had soon lost all sight of them, and could not guess what
could become of them.

After he had heard and observed all these things, he stood a while as
confounded with fear and pity, like a simple silly man, hoodwinked with
his own passions, not knowing the subtle enemy's cunning illusions in
offering false suggestions to the sight, to work his own ends thereby,
and increase the number of his deceived servants. Forthwith he persuaded
himself that he might make good use of this woman's tormenting, so
justly imposed on the knight to prosecute, if thus it should continue
still every Friday. Wherefore setting a good note or mark upon the
place, he returned back to his own people, and at such times as he
thought convenient, sent for divers of his kindred and friends from
Ravenna, who being present with him, thus he spake to them:

"Dear kinsmen and friends, ye have long while importuned me to
discontinue my over-doating love to her whom you all think, and I find
to be my mortal enemy; as also to give over my lavish expenses, wherein
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