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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
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I confess myself too prodigal; both which requests of yours I will
condescend to, provided that you will perform one gracious favour for
me--namely, that on Friday next, Messer Paolo Traversario, his wife,
daughter, with all other women linked in lineage to them, and such
beside only as you shall please to appoint, will vouchsafe to accept a
dinner here with me. As for the reason thereto moving me, you shall then
more at large be acquainted withal." This appeared no difficult matter
for them to accomplish. Wherefore being returned to Ravenna, and as they
found the time answerable to their purpose, they invited such as
Anastasio had appointed them. And although they found it somewhat a hard
matter to gain her company whom he had so dearly affected, yet
notwithstanding, the other women won her along with them.

A most magnificent dinner had Anastasio provided, and the tables were
covered under the pine-trees, where he saw the cruel lady so pursued and
slain; directing the guests so in their seating that the young
gentlewoman, his unkind mistress, sate with her face opposite unto the
place where the dismal spectacle was to be seen. About the closing up of
dinner, they began to hear the noise of the poor persecuted woman, which
drove them all to much admiration, desiring to know what it was, and no
one resolving them they rose from the tables, and looking directly as
the noise came to them, they espied the woful woman, the dogs eagerly
pursuing her; the knight galloping after them with his drawn weapon, and
came very near unto the company, who cried out with loud exclaims
against the dogs, and the knights stepped forth in assistance of the
injured woman.

The knight spake unto them as formerly he had done to Anastasio, which
made them draw back possessed with fear and admiration, while he acted
the same cruelty as he did the Friday before, not differing in the least
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