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The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural by Various
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degree. Most of the gentlewomen there present, being near allied to the
unfortunate woman, and likewise to the knight, remembering well both his
love and death, did shed tears as plentifully as if it had been to the
very persons themselves in usual performance of the action indeed. Which
tragical scene being passed over, and the woman and knight gone out of
their sight, all that had seen this strange accident fell into diversity
of confused opinions, yet not daring to disclose them, as doubting some
further danger to ensue thereon.

But beyond all the rest, none could compare in fear and astonishment
with the cruel young maid affected by Anastasio, who both saw and
observed all with a more inward apprehension, knowing very well that the
moral of this dismal spectacle carried a much nearer application to her
than any other in the company. For now she could call to mind how unkind
and cruel she had shown herself to Anastasio, even as the other
gentlewoman formerly did to her lover, still flying from him in great
contempt and scorn, for which she thought the bloodhounds also pursued
her at the heels already, and a sword of vengeance to mangle her body.
This fear grew so powerful upon her, that to prevent the like heavy doom
from falling on her, she studied, and therein bestowed all the night
season, how to change her hatred into kind love, which at the length she
fully obtained, and then purposed to procure in this manner: Secretly
she sent a faithful chambermaid of her own to greet Anastasio on her
behalf, humbly entreating him to come see her, because now she was
absolutely determined to give him satisfaction in all which, with
honour, he could request of her. Whereto Anastasio answered that he
accepted her message thankfully, and desired no other favour at her hand
but that which stood with her own offer, namely, to be his wife in
honourable marriage. The maid knowing sufficiently that he could not be
more desirous of the match than her mistress showed herself to be, made
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