The Beginner's American History by D.H. (David Henry) Montgomery
page 15 of 309 (04%)
page 15 of 309 (04%)
Redeemer or Saviour.]
14. Columbus names the group of islands and their people.--As Columbus sailed on, he saw many islands in every direction. He thought that they must be a part of the Indies which he was seeking. Since he had reached them by coming west from Spain, he called them the West Indies, and to the red men who lived on them he gave the name of Indians. 15. Columbus discovers two very large islands; his vessel is wrecked, and he returns to Spain in another.--In the course of the next six weeks Columbus discovered the island of Cuba. At first he thought that it must be Japan, but afterward he came to the conclusion that it was not an island at all, but part of the mainland of Asia. Next, he came to the island of Hayti,[15] or San Domingo.[16] Here his ship was wrecked. He took the timber of the wreck and built a fort on the shore. Leaving about forty of his crew in this fort, Columbus set sail for Palos in one of the two remaining vessels. [Footnote 15: Hayti (Ha'ti).] [Footnote 16: San Domingo (San Do-min'go); see map in paragraph 17.] 16. Columbus arrives at Palos; joy of the people; how Ferdinand and Isabella received him.--When the vessel of Columbus was seen entering the harbor of Palos, the whole village was wild with |