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The Beginner's American History by D.H. (David Henry) Montgomery
page 16 of 309 (05%)
excitement. More than seven months had gone by since he sailed away
from that port, and as nothing had been heard from him, many supposed
that the vessels and all on board were lost. Now that they saw their
friends and neighbors coming back, all was joy. The bells of the
churches rang a merry peal of welcome; the people thronged the
streets, shouting to each other that Columbus, the great navigator,
had crossed the "Sea of Darkness" and had returned in safety.

The king and queen were then in the city of Barcelona,[17] a long
distance from Palos. To that city Columbus now went. He entered it
on horseback, attended by the proudest and richest noblemen of Spain.
He brought with him six Indians from the West Indies. They were gaily
painted and wore bright feathers in their hair. Then a number of men
followed, carrying rare birds and plants, with gold and silver
ornaments, all found in the New World. These were presents for the
king and queen. Ferdinand and Isabella received Columbus with great
honor. When he had told them the story of his wonderful voyage, they
sank on their knees and gave praise to God; all who were present
followed their example.


[Footnote 17: Barcelona (Bar-se-lo'na); see map in paragraph 12.]

17. The last voyages of Columbus.--Columbus made three more voyages
across the Atlantic. He discovered more islands near the coast of
America, and he touched the coast of Central America and of South
America, but that was all. He never set foot on any part of what is
now the United States, and he always thought that the land he had
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