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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
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"He must ha had another tarrible pain," sed Mally, "for th' bottle's
empty, but he's saand asleep nah."

When Mally wakkened i'th mornin, Sammywell wor still asleep, soa shoo
gate up as quietly as shoo could, an tuckt him in nice an comfortable,
an went daan-stairs to get a bit o' braikfast ready.

"Aw know he likes a sup a teah,--an aw'll mak him a bit o' nice buttered
tooast an cook him a Yarmoth Blooater, an may-be he'll feel a bit better
after he's getten that into him, tho' sometimes aw think he hardly
desarves it, for he does try me sometimes wol aw think he's ommost spun
me to th' length. But what can aw do? He's nooan what yo call an ill en,
but he's soa aggravatin. But aw've nubdy to blame but misen, for aw've
spoilt him ivver sin aw had him an awst ha to tak th' consequences. If
ivver aw get wed ageean aw'll begin as aw meean to go on. But, A'a dear
o' me! whativver am aw tawkin abaat! An old gronmother like me thinkin
abaat gettin wed ageean! But ther are times when sich thowts will get
into a body's noddle, for aw once heeard a chap say, at a chap does live
sometimes till he's to old to be wed, but a woman nivver. But aw needn't
trouble misen wi thinkin abaat sich things for he's nooan deead yet nor
likely to be; an if he wor aw dooant know whear aw could ivver get
another to suit me as weel. If aw could nobbut taich him a bit o' sense,
an get him to behave as a chap ov his years owt to do it ud be
different, tho' aw do believe aw should feel lost withaat him."

"His braikfast's all ready nah, an aw'll tak it to bed to him, an if
he's wakkened up in a daycent temper aw'll have a tawk to him."

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