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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
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Sammywell had just wakkened when shoo went in wi it. "A'a! Mally, lass,"
he sed when he saw his braikfast, "Aw dooan't know whativver aw mud do
but for thee!"

"Is thi heead onny better?"

"Aw nivver felt better i' mi life. It's a shame to put thee to all this
trubble, for aw could ha getten up to it."

"It's noa trubble, Sammywell, an aw wodn't care owt abaat trubble if
tha'd nobbut try an behave thisen, an net spaik to me i'th way tha does.
Awm sewer sometimes, when tha gets into one o' thi tantrums aw feel as
if ther wor nowt left for me to live for. If tha'd nobbut try to reform
a bit,--if tha'd be as tha used to be forty or fifty year sin, aw should
be th' happyest woman within saand o'th taan hall chimes. Get that into
thi an tha'll happen feel better. Aw mun goa becoss its weshin day, an
aw've an extra wesh, for awr Hepsabah's sent all Jerrymier's clooas at
he's worn for this last fortnit, an he does mucky a seet o' brats an

"Jerrymier agean! What the duce has ta to do wi weshin Jerrymier's
clooas! Let her wesh em hersen. Aw've just studden this wol awm

"Thear tha goas agean! If onnybody says a word to thee tha flies off in
a passhion. Aw know what awr poor Hepsabah has to do an tha doesn't.
Tha'd nivver ha gooan on like that when we wor wed at furst."

"Noa! but ther wor noa Jerrymier then!"

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