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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
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Soa th' Stashun maister sed he couldn't do owt, as it wor a smookin
carriage, soa Sydney wor allowed to goa to th' Hotel, leeavin 'em to
feight it aght as they liked.

Th' last thing he thowt ov that neet befooar he fell asleep wor, ha
Mabel wod laugh next day when he telled her abaat it.

Next mornin when he'd had his braikfast, he donned hissen up smart as a
chap owt to do when he's gooin a cooartin, an set off in a cab to
Mabel's father's haase.

Th' lass wor lukkin aght for him, an after a bit o' kussin an huggin (as
is suitable at sich times) Sydney sed he mud as weel see her father an
get it ovver.

"He's in th' library," sed Mabel.

"Nah for it," Sydney sed, as they stood aghtside th' door, "gie me
another kuss, lass, to keep me up to th' mark, an eh! aw've sich a joke
to tell thi abaat afterwards."

Mabel kussed him ageean, an then shoo oppen'd th' door an walked in, wi
Sydney followin behund feelin varry uncumfortable, for its noa joke aw
can tell yo axin an owd gentleman to gie yo his dowter.

Mister Mothersdale wor sittin at a table, writin a letter, when they
went in an he didn't luk up till Mabel sed:--"Papa, dear, this is Mister
Horne, th' gentleman I told yo abaat, who protected me from that ruffian
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