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Operation R.S.V.P. by Henry Beam Piper
page 14 of 16 (87%)
whatever, but will automatically capture and redirect same. In case
either of your Excellencies doubt this statement, you are invited to
aim a rocket at some target in Afghanistan and see what happens.

3.) Both the UPREA mutated virus and the UEESR contagious sterility,
with positive vaccines against the former and means of instrumental
detection of the latter.

4.) A technique for initiating and controlling the Bethe
carbon-hydrogen cycle. We are now using this as a source of heat for
industrial and even domestic purposes, and we also have a
carbon-hydrogen cycle bomb. Such a bomb, delivered by one of our
_Sword of Islam_ Mark IV's, was activated yesterday over the Northern
tip of Nova Zembla, at an altitude of four miles. I am enclosing
photographic reproductions of views of this test, televised to Kabul
by an accompanying _Sword of Islam_ Mark V observation rocket. I am
informed that expeditions have been sent by both the UEESR and the
UPREA to investigate; they should find some very interesting
conditions. For one thing, they won't need their climbing equipment to
get over the Nova Zembla Glacier; the Nova Zembla Glacier isn't there,
any more.

5.) A lithium bomb. This has not been tested, yet. A lithium bomb is
nothing for a country the size of Afghanistan to let off inside its
own borders. We intend making a test with it within the next ten days,
however If your Excellencies will designate a target, which must be at
the center of an uninhabited area at least five hundred miles square,
the test can be made in perfect safety. If not, I cannot answer the
results; that will be in the hands of Allah, Who has ordained all
things. No doubt Allah has ordained the destruction of either Moscow
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