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Operation R.S.V.P. by Henry Beam Piper
page 5 of 16 (31%)
Your utmost activity in this matter is required.


_Ambassador Krylenkoff to Foreign Minister Dzhoubinsky:_

9 March, 1984

Comrade Foreign Minister:

Since receipt of yours of 3/3/'84, I have been utilizing all resources
at my disposal in the matter of the noted scientist D. O. Voronoff,
and availing myself of all sources of information, e.g., spies, secret
agents, disaffected elements of the local population, and including
two UPREA Cabinet Ministers on my payroll. I regret to report that
results of this investigation have been entirely negative. No one here
appears to know anything of the whereabouts of Dr. Voronoff.

At the same time, there is considerable concern in UPREA Government
circles over the disappearances of certain prominent East Asian
scientists, e.g.. Dr. Hong Foo, the nuclear physicist; Dr. Hin
Yang-Woo, the great theoretical mathematician; Dr. Mong Shing, the
electronics expert. I am informed that UPREA Government sources are
attributing these disappearances to us.

I can only say that I am sincerely sorry that this is not the case.
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