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Operation R.S.V.P. by Henry Beam Piper
page 6 of 16 (37%)


_Wu Fung Tung to Vladmir N. Dzhoubinsky:_

21 April, 1984

Estimable Sir:

In accordance with our established policy of free exchange with
friendly Powers of scientific information, permit me to inform your
Government that a new mutated disease-virus has been developed in our
biological laboratories, causing a highly contagious disease similar
in symptoms to bubonic plague, but responding to none of the
treatments for this latter disease. This new virus strain was
accidentally produced in the course of some experiments with

In spite of the greatest care, it is feared that this virus has spread
beyond the laboratory in which it was developed. We warn you most
urgently of the danger that it may have spread to the UEESR; enclosed
are a list of symptoms, etc.

My Government instructs me to advise your Government that the attitude
of your Government in the Khakum River question is utterly
unacceptable, and will require considerable revision before my
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