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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 103 of 334 (30%)
Thou'rt like themselves sae lovely,
That ill they'll ne'er let near thee.

Return again, fair Lesley,
Return to Caledonie!
That we may brag we hae a lass
There's nane again sae bonnie. [no other]


Lassie wi' the lint-white locks, [flaxen]
Bonnie lassie, artless lassie,
Wilt thou wi' me tent the flocks? [watch]
Wilt thou be my dearie, O?

Now nature cleeds the flowery lea, [clothes]
And a' is young and sweet like thee;
O wilt thou share its joys wi' me,
And say thou'lt be my dearie, O.

The primrose bank, the wimpling burn, [winding]
The cuckoo on the milk-white thorn,
The wanton lambs at early morn
Shall welcome thee, my dearie, O.

And when the welcome simmer-shower
Has cheer'd ilk drooping little flower, [every]
We'll to the breathing woodbine bower
At sultry noon, my dearie, O.
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