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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 104 of 334 (31%)

When Cynthia lights, wi' silver ray,
The weary shearer's hameward way. [reaper's]
Thro' yellow waving fields we'll stray,
And talk o' love, my dearie, O.

And when the howling wintry blast
Disturbs my lassie's midnight rest;
Enclaspèd to my faithfu' breast,
I'll comfort thee, my dearie, O.


Altho' my bed were in yon muir,
Amang the heather, in my plaidie,
Yet happy, happy would I be,
Had I my dear Montgomerie's Peggy.

When o'er the hill beat surly storms,
And winter nights were dark and rainy,
I'd seek some dell, and in my arms
I'd shelter dear Montgomerie's Peggy.

Were I a Baron proud and high,
And horse and servants waiting ready,
Then a' 't wad gie o' joy to me, [it would give]
The sharin't wi' Montgomerie's Peggy.

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